суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


More than instruments are available in sound block. The number of downloads reaches ,! Thank you for your support! Just write programs wherever you like. It is completely free. Now you can share projects via AirDrop! pyonkee

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Pyonkee is pretty close to the real thing, as far as I can tell from just playing around with it a pyojkee while! Pyonkee is a real visual-programming environment for iPad. This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Compatibility Requires iOS 9. Projects made for Scratch are compatible with Pyonkee.

More than instruments are available in sound block.


Amazing controls, just like Scratch 1. We do pyonkse need cumbersome typing, even a mouse. From the version 2. Memory limit setting is now up to MB for large projects. The number of downloads reaches ,! It is completely free.

We can mix various media on Pyonkee and program them. Pyonkee's user interface is optimized for touch devices. Improved sound playback response. Please E-mail us for inquiries.


By default, the devise sensing feature is off, for saving the battery. Pyonkee source code is available on github. Is it possible to import existing Scratch projects?

I have not experimented with moving or sharing projects, but I am pleased just to have a Scratch environment to teach with! Family Sharing With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.

Pyonkee is a new dynamic media for developing various ideas. Now you can share projects via AirDrop! I would like to use iPad sensor values block.

Most panes are now touch-scrollable! I would like to delete a project, but I am not sure how to do it.

- Visual Programming with iPad -

Now supports iOS 11! Based on Scratch, Pyonkee provides a real, programming environment, anytime, anywhere! Is it free to use Pyonkee on classrooms? Now you can see various new options acceleration, gyro, etc in sensor value block.

Pyonkee - Visual Programming with iPad

If you would like to customize Pyonkee for your purposes, please contact us. Pyonkee has been developed from the open-source code of "Scratch 1. Sep 24, Version 2. Pyonkee has been developed with great help of OSS activities. You can share your projects via AirDrop, e-mail, iCloud, and Dropbox. Thank pyoknee for your support!

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